Safeguarding the Sacred: Perspectives on Holocaust Memory


  1. Art contest open to all middle school students in TN and surrounding states. 
  2. One entry per student.
  3. Entries may be in the form of a painting, drawing, diorama, collage, sculpture, or digital art (new for 2022!). Canvases may not exceed 4x4 feet. 
  4. Digital art entries must be original, not copied or traced from clip art. Entry must be submitted via email as a JPEG or PNG file and sent to HolocaustArtContest@gmail.com by Monday, March 21, 2022, along with name, address, phone number, email, school name and grade and a one-paragraph explanation of theme, message and design concept. 
  5.  All other entries must be brought to the Memphis Jewish Federation office by the close of business on Monday, March 21, 2022, accompanied with a one-page attachment with name, address, phone number, e-mail address, name of school and grade and a one-paragraph explanation of theme, message and design concept. Attachment should be taped to the back of the work. (Do not write name on front of artwork).
  6. This attachment, along with a photo of the artwork, should also be emailed to HolocaustArtContest@gmail.com.
  7.  Entries should explore the following topic: Safeguarding the Sacred: Perspectives on Holocaust Memory.
  8. When thinking about this topic, you may wish to consider how Holocaust memory is transmitted through the generations and /or the threats posed to memory by Holocaust denial and trivialization. Contest entrants may explore one or more avenues of memory preservation: personal testimony, diaries, hidden archives, judicial prosecutions, historical accounts, visual arts, etc. and consider the opportunities and challenges posed by these methods to the future of Holocaust memory.

  9. Suggested ResourcesFacing History and Ourselves  Yad Vashem. The World Holocaust Remembrance Center | www.yadvashem.org |
  10. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm.org)

     USC Shoah Foundation |

    ADL: Fighting Antisemitism and Hate

    Home | AJC

    Simon Wiesenthal Center

  11. Judging will be based on the following criteria: originality, creativity, passion, message conveyed, connection to theme and usage of colors, symbols, and proportions.
  12. First Place cash prize of $200; Second Place: $100; Third Place: $50. Gift cards for Honorable Mention. Contest awards provided by the Kaethe Mela Family Memorial Fund of the Jewish Foundation of Memphis. Kaethe, her husband Paul and their 17-year-old daughter Doris, were murdered in Auschwitz.
  13. A photo of the winning artwork will be published on the cover of the program for Memphis Jewish Federation’s annual community-wide Yom HaShoah/Holocaust observance taking place on Thursday, April 28, 2022. All winners will be publically recognized at the commemoration. 
  14. First-place artwork becomes the property of Memphis Jewish Federation. All other pieces may be picked up from the MJF office. 
  15. Memphis Jewish Federation is not responsible for any damage to artwork that may incur. 
  16. Please direct questions to Carrie Richardson at crichardson@jcpmemphis.org.